News Release
For Immediate Release: January 16, 2013
Contact: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
President Obama Wants to Protect Children, Yet . . .
(Harrisburg) — Today, surrounded by children who had written letters to him following the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama announced his strategy to protect children from such attacks in the future. He said, it’s all about the children — “This is our first task as a society, keeping our children safe. . . . (It is) our responsibility to care for them and shield them from harm and give them the tools they need to grow up . . . .” The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, agrees with President Obama that adults should care for and shield children from harm as well as give them the tools they need as they grow to adulthood; however, the AFA of PA questions the President’s sincerity.
“The President waxed eloquent as he used these children as props for his press conference, using the Newtown tragedy to push his desire for gun control. Unfortunately, other policies, also pushed by President Obama and his administration, do not care for nor shield children from harm. First and foremost, these same children while still in their mothers’ womb just a short six or seven years ago would have been targets for death through abortion, with the President’s blessing and tax payer dollars. And if they’d survived the abortion attempt, President Obama would have approved of them being killed outside the womb,” noted Diane Gramley, President of the AFA of PA.
Ignoring the health risks associated with engaging in homosexual acts, Obama and his administration encourage children to experiment with this deadly lifestyle. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2009 men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 61% of all new HIV infections. That same year, young MSM accounted for 69% of new HIV infections among persons aged 13–29 and 44% of infections among all MSM.
The US Department of Education has been pushing the normalization of homosexual behavior and the ‘gay is okay’ message in schools throughout the nation. The DOE is encouraging schools to form Gay Straight Alliance Clubs to help push this message.
Two years ago at the James Hubert Blake High School in Silver Spring, Maryland the Civil Rights Division (OCR) of the US Department of Justice showed a video of mostly homosexual OCR employees encouraging students who are questioning their sexuality to embrace ‘who they are.’ They were also encouraged to sign the ‘It Gets Better” pledge, a project created by foul-mouthed, hate-filled Dan Savage. Students who identified as homosexual were promised help from the DOJ if they felt they had been bullied.
“When it comes to children, President Obama’s policies needs to be consistent — either he wants to care for and shield children or he wants to use them as guinea pigs through societal changes that homosexual activists and their allies are pushing. I believe a look at his overall record reveals his true intentions,” Gramley further remarked.
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