All Out Attack on Traditional Values in Pennsylvania:

Homosexual documentary falsely accuses the AFA of PA

1.)  of encouraging the boycott of a locally lesbian-owned theatre.
Read the letter to Venango County residents concerning the Latonia Theatre page 1 and page_2.   This letter so outraged homosexual activists that they contacted the Oil City Police Chief, who in turn contacted the AFA of PA and asked what our intentions were.  He was told it was all outlined in the letter –‘educate and let the people decide’!

2.)  of supporting the bullying of homosexual students.
Read that letter to Franklin Area School District taxpayers page 1 and page_2

After reading these letters, it will be quite clear that the intention of this documentary is to demean all those who do not ‘celebrate’ the homosexual lifestyle, all who expose the dangers of engaging in it and all who reveal the homosexual agenda for what it is:   redefining marriage and family and trying to convince America’s children that homosexuality is a ‘safe, alternative lifestyle.’

By the way — just who is Dean Hamer?  Click here for more information

Read this August 26, 2010 AFA of PA news release about “A Christian Response to Out in the Silence” held at Coudersport, Potter County.

Click here for one Coudersport reporter’s response to the biased presentation on July 28, 2010.