July 29, 2010


Update on Coudersport


As you may recall yesterday the AFA of PA issued a news release about the showing of the homosexual propaganda piece “Out in the Silence” which falsely accuses the AFA of PA of encouraging the bullying of students who identify as homosexual and of calling for the boycott of a lesbian owned business.  Click here to read the news release for more details.

Well, the reports have come back and, as is typical, the ones crying for tolerance the loudest are the least tolerant.  Last night at the Coudersport Public Library anyone expressing opinions that did not agree with or who questioned the motives of homosexual activists Joe Wilson and Dean Hamer were silenced.  The purpose of this film is not to create dialogue as it claims, but to create conflict and to push the homosexual agenda.   Click here to read the first hand account from a local reporter  and here for a local pastor’s response to the controversy.

Action Steps

1.)    Pray for Joe Wilson and Dean Hamer

2.)    Is “Out in the Silence” showing near you? Click here for upcoming screenings.  How will you respond?  Click here for some additional background and copies of the AFA of PA letters referred to in the film.