November 10, 2020


Still Counting?


For months President Trump warned against the dangers of mail in ballots and we’ve seen that play out during the past week.  As one campaign is shouting “Count all the votes,” the other is saying “Count all legal votes.”  There’s a big difference between those two statements!

The mainstream media is saying there’s no evidence of voter fraud, but evidence abounds.  Here are a few examples just from PA:

  • In Delaware County a poll worker was recorded on camera filling out ballots
  • Precincts barred any Republicans from coming inside the precinct in direct violation of the law
  • A judge issued an order that would have required the precincts to obey the law and allow Republican observers in, the Philadelphia Sheriff’s office refused to enforce the orders.
  • In Philadelphia some Republican poll watchers were not permitted into the polling places even though they had a valid poll watcher’s certificate. 
  • The law permits representatives from all political parties to observe the counting of ballots, but Trump observers were forced to stand behind barricades up to 100 feet from the vote counters at the Philadelphia Convention Center. 
  • An Erie postal worker has signed an affidavit saying he heard his postmaster rebuke the supervisor for not backdating all the late arriving mail-in ballots to November 3rd.   Watch the Project Veritas video.  
  • Tom Ranieri is a lawyer who volunteered for the Trump Campaign to work the election day hotline in Allegheny County.   In an interview with the Daily Signal, he has a LOT to tell about what he witnessed there before and after election day.  Click here to read or listen to the interview.  
  • Attorneys general from 10 states have filed a petition to the US Supreme Court urging the Court to take up President Trump’s lawsuit against Pennsylvania arguing the PA Supreme Court’s decision to extend mail-in ballot deadline by three days opened the door for “nefarious actors” to sway the election. 

There’s also evidence in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin and in Michigan where election systems appeared to be connected to the internet and affidavits have been signed by more than 130 people alleging they witnessed voter fraud.  Computer “glitches’ have been found in Wisconsin, Georgia and Michigan switching Trump votes to Biden.  Senator Ted Cruz has called for an investigation into this voting machine software.   

Meanwhile, the Biden campaign is attempting to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power!  The agency has said once a clear winner is declared, based on the process laid out in the Constitution, then a transfer of power will be approved.  If the GSA signs off on the transition plan, federal funding for travel and salaries would go the Biden campaign. 

Attorney General Bill Barr has issued a memo to federal prosecutors authorizing them to probe “specific allegations” of voter fraud.  It clears the way for prosecutors to get around Justice Department policy that normally would have prevented such overt measures before the election is certified.    

Today members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly called for further oversight, investigatory hearings and a legislative-led audit of the 2020 General Election, demanding that election results not be certified until a comprehensive audit is completed.  They are calling for the immediate establishment of a bipartisan investigatory committee with subpoena power. 

Action Steps

Here in PA State Senators Michelle Brooks, Doug Mastriano and Scott Hutchinson have issued a co-sponsorship memo calling for a vote recount.  Click here to ask your State Senator to contact one of these Senators and sign onto this co-sponsorship memo

Pennsylvanians, and all Americans, should be able to trust the election system. 

During this past week, we’ve seen news outlets conservatives normally could trust i.e. Fox News call elections too early, refuse to air the Trump campaign’s news conference outlining voter fraud and break away from President Trump’s own news conference updating Americans on the campaign’s attempt to get an honest vote count. 

Newsmax TV has stepped in to become an outlet conservatives can trust.  Click here to find Newsmax TV.

One America News Network is also a good source.  

News from a Christian prospective can be found at AFA’s One News Now here 

One thing Christians can be assured of is this:  God is still in control – even during these uncertain times!