November 5, 2021


Spending, Spending, Spending – Is Not Building America Back Better


Tuesday’s election did not go well for the Democrat Party, yet Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is determined to push through more bills to put the nation deeper into debt.  She claims there’s a zero price tag to the multi-trillion dollar bills, yet White House chief of staff Ron Klain says the “Build Back Better Plan is “twice as big, in real dollars, as the New Deal was.”  Some moderate Democrats in the House were already concerned before Tuesday and told Pelosi they wanted to read through the 2,700 page bill and wanted real budget estimates.  House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky) noted that a legitimate CBO score on the cost will take at least ten days to two weeks.   Speaker Pelosi is NOT listening and wants to ram the “Build Back Better Plan” and the “Infrastructure” bill through the House. 

Pelosi’s goal is to pass both the “Build Back Better Plan” ($1.75 trillion social spending and climate package) and the “Infrastructure” bill within days. 

Action Steps

Contact your US Representative and ask him or her to vote ‘nay’ on these two spending bills which will only put the US into deeper debt and cause even more woe for the average American.