February 1, 2022


President Biden Nominates the Southern Poverty Law Center!


In December President Joe Biden nominated Nancy Abudu to be a judge on the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers Alabama, Georgia and Florida.  Even though PA is not covered by this circuit court, its decisions can impact Pennsylvania and the rest of the nation!

So, just who is this individual?

She is currently with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) [You know, the group that lists organizations that hold traditional values on marriage and sexuality, like the AFA of PA, on their “Hate Map.]  Here’s what their website says:  “Nancy G. Abudu leads a team of legal and technical experts dedicated to ensuring the voting rights of communities of color and other historically disenfranchised groups, primarily in the Deep South. She was previously the legal director for the ACLU of Florida. She has also served as a senior staff attorney with the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project.  Abudu has litigated a variety of civil rights cases in federal and state courts, including challenges to state felon disenfranchisement, proof of citizenship and voter photo ID laws.”

So . . .  she supports the ACLU, opposes having to show photo ID in order to vote and opposes having to show proof of citizenship in order to register to vote! 

Action Steps

Nancy Abudu’s nomination is currently in the Senate Judiciary Committee, where a hearing is scheduled.  However, we need to let Senator Bob Casey, Jr. and Senator Pat Toomey know now that Nancy Abudu is not qualified to sit on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Contact them here