June 27, 2022


Yes, Roe is Gone, But the Battle Continues


No matter what the pro-abortion activists are saying abortion is not illegal across the country.  The question of abortion has now been placed back in the hands of state legislators, where it was prior to the infamous Roe v Wade decision in January 1973. 

About 30,000 babies up to 24 weeks gestation are aborted for any reason, except sex selection, in PA each year. Declaring Roe v Wade unconstitutional, does not change that.  Abortions will continue in PA as no trigger law that would have ended or greatly restricted abortion if Roe was overturned was ever passed in Harrisburg.  Having a former Planned Parenthood escort in the governor’s mansion creates obstacles when efforts are put forth to strengthen or expand pro-life laws.  As we all know, the current attorney general, Josh Shapiro, is running for governor as Governor Wolf is term limited.  Shapiro, like Wolf, has said he will veto every pro-life bill that reaches his desk.  November’s winner of the governor’s race here in PA will determine the direction of the fight for life.

What we need is a Life Amendment in PA!  On November 12, 2021 Senator Judy Ward introduced just such a constitutional amendment — SB 956.  Five days later on November 17, State Rep Donna Oberlander introduced the same amendment – HB 2252.  These amendments would declare that there is no right to an abortion or abortion funding within Pennsylvania’s constitution.

SB 956 is now awaiting a final vote in the Senate, while HB 2252 remains stuck in the House Health Committee.

Action Steps

Contact your State Senator by clicking here and ask him or her to support SB 956. 

Call Senator Pro Temp Jake Corman and ask him to move SB 956 forward for a final vote – 814-355-0477

Call the chairman of the House Health Committee, Kathy Rapp, 814-723-5203 and ask her to bring HB 2252 up for hearings and a committee vote.

Remember, one or the other of these identical bills must pass by the end of this session in November and again next legislative session before the people get the opportunity to vote on this constitutional amendment.  The governor plays no role in the effort.