April 6, 2023


A Couple Updates


First, the AFA of PA has started a Substack.  Some of the articles will be expansions of blog posts that are on our website, others will be stand alone articles.  We’re just getting started, so there are only a couple articles up on our Substack page.  We are hoping to get a new article up on Monday, Wednesday and Friday – although not this Friday because it’s Good Friday!   Please subscribe to our Substack – it’s free! Click here for our most recent article.

Also, AFA of PA is back on Twitter with Elon Musk’s takeover of the company –   @AFAofPA   Of course,  we are still on Telegram and Gab @afaofpa .  We’ve started the group “Pennsylvania Christian Activists” on Gab.  Feel free to join!

Listen to my interview with Linda Harvey of Columbus, OH-based Mission America as we discuss her article “Is LGBTQ Driving Teen Mental Health Disorders?”   We also discuss the Nashville shooting.   Listen here.

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