August 2, 2023


Time to Leave the American Library Association


From the PA Library Association website:  “The Pennsylvania Library Association will actively and intentionally pursue, promote and champion equity, diversity, and inclusion within the organization and within the profession so that our association, libraries, librarians, and library staff will all thrive.” 

Equity – Diversity – Inclusion = DEI

In April, the PA Library Association requested the legislature include the following in the 2023-2024 state budget — Public Library Subsidy $70.47 million, Library Services for the Visually Impaired & Disabled $2.567 million, Library Access $3.071 million, State Library $2.466 million.  On top of this Governor Shapiro has requested an additional $4.2 million for rural libraries. 

The PA Library Association is a member of the American Library Association (ALA), which recently elected a self-avowed Marxist as president!   Because of the election of Emily Drabinski, “the Pennsylvania Freedom Caucus is calling for the Pennsylvania Library Association and all Pennsylvania libraries – state, local and school – to sever any and all affiliations with the American Library Association.”  Montana has already exited the ALA and eight other states have now joined the effort. Our taxpayer dollars are subsidizing the PA Library Association’s DEI efforts, the purchase of books for children that many deem inappropriate (remember the ALA believes all materials should be available to everyone no matter what the age), and in some cases Drag Queen Story Hours.   Check out the “Interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights”. 

Action Steps

Contact the PA Library Association and ask them to sever all association with the American Library Association. 

Your message can be simple:  I am calling on you to sever any and all association with the American Library Association.

You could also approach your local library about your concerns over the election of a self-avowed Marxist as the president of the ALA.

As budget negotiations continue in Harrisburg, contact your State Rep and State Senator and tell them you support the movement which calls for severing all association with the American Library Association. 

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