News Release
For Immediate Release:  December 29, 2023
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078

AFA of PA Statement on the Death of Dr. Don Wildmon

(Harrisburg) – Brother Don, as he was more affectionately known, has gone on to his reward in heaven.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania  (AFA of PA), the PA affiliate of the Tupelo, MS-based American Family Association, reflects on the legacy of this great man.

Brother Don founded the National Federation for Decency, which would become the American Family Association, in 1977.  He was a pioneer in the culture war, initially targeting the violence and filth that was on television even in the late 70’s.  He was many times a prophetic voice as he warned of the negative impact the destruction of the natural family would have on the nation.  With the formation of the American Family Association, he also saw the need to have the ability to work around the censorship of the mainstream media and established the American Family Radio Network (AFR) – spending hours studying maps to determine the most strategic locations to place the AFR stations.  Much to the chagrin of PBS, they are all FM stations!  From there, American Family News (AFN) was formed. Brother Don was not afraid to utilize for the cause of morality and decency the emerging technologies.  He encouraged the use of those technologies to further the cause of Christ.

“I attended many meetings in Washington, DC with Brother Don and his quiet wisdom was greatly appreciated by everyone in attendance.  Brother Don was tenacious in his efforts to expose evil as he worked to right the wrongs that he saw and to awaken Christians to the dangers ahead if they did not get involved.  His legacy will continue into the future as AFA, AFR, and AFN work to impact the nation for Christ.  The AFA of PA will continue working here in PA to continue Brother Don’s legacy.  We will continue embracing his motto, ‘We are not called to be successful; we are called to be faithful’.  It continues to be an honor to be a part of Don Wildmon’s legacy,” remarked Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. 

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