News Release
For Immediate Release:  July 28, 2010
Contact:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Matt Foreman was Right:   HIV is a Gay Disease

(Harrisburg) – Today the Centers for Disease Control released its 2008 HIV statistics again revealing that the primary carrier of the HIV virus is men who have sex with men.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, reiterates that the compassionate response to this pandemic is not to validate the homosexual and bisexual lifestyles through the passage of special rights laws.

“Homosexual activists accuse groups like the AFA of PA of making these statistics up, but the CDC shows that the highest transmission category of HIV is men who have sex with men.  Why would society want to encourage such activity?” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Thirty-seven states which have confidential name-based HIV reporting show that “Male to Male Sexual Conduct” is the highest number of HIV infections in 2008 at 22,469 cases.  The second highest is “Heterosexual Conduct” at 13,180 with a special note “Heterosexual contact with a person known to have, or to be at high risk for, HIV infection.”  Bisexuals are a link for HIV/AIDS between those engaging in homosexual sex and those engaging in normal sexual activity.

“Back in February 2008 Matt Foreman, then Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, recognized the direct correlation between men engaging in sex with men and HIV.  He declared ‘HIV is a gay disease’ during his speech before convention goers.  Unfortunately the media ignores such statements and homosexual activists continue pushing for special recognition simply because of the lifestyle choices they make,” noted Gramley.

Until connecting the dots and recognizing the truth that homosexual activity is the driving force behind the HIV pandemic, the statistics will not change.  For the well-being of society, government entities need to stop being politically correct and take a hard look at the statistics and recognize the truth:  passage of “sexual orientation” laws encourage activity which drives up the number of HIV/AIDS cases.

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