Blog Post: Kentucky Clerk Jailed — More Proof the First Kim DavisAmendment Died on June 26th

In 2005 75% of Kentucky voters chose to place the definition of marriage as only between one man and one woman in that state’s constitution.  That definition remains today, as well as the requirement for a man and a woman on the marriage license itself. Rowen County Clerk Kim Davis has chosen to follow Kentucky law and now she sits in jail by order of a judge holding her in contempt of court.

The four dissenting judges in the June 26th marriage decision warned that the decision handed down by five unelected attorneys was a threat to our very democracy itself. They also noted that it would be a threat to religious freedom in this country.

Chief Justice John Roberts:

  • The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judg­ment. The right it announces has no basis in the Consti­tution or this Court’s precedent. The majority expressly disclaims judicial “caution” and omits even a pretense of humility, openly relying on its desire to remake society according to its own “new insight” into the “nature of injustice.

Justice Antonin Scalia:

  • A system of government that makes the People subordinate to a committee of nine unelected lawyers does not deserve to be called a democracy.

Justice Clarence Thomas:

  • Worse, it invites judges to do exactly what the majority has done here—“‘roa[m] at large in the constitu­tional field’ guided only by their personal views” as to the “‘fundamental rights’” protected by that document.

Justice Samuel Alito:

  • It (the decision) will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy. The implications of this analogy will be exploited by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent.

Thomas Jefferson said if we allow the Judicial Branch just to make up law without the people’s elected representatives, you turn the Constitution into a thing of wax.

The role of the judicial branch is not to write laws, yet it is believed by many that the US Supreme Court rules supreme and their decisions must be followed to the tee. This is NOT what our constitution says! Article I Section 1 of the US Constitution says, “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States . . . .” President Abraham Lincoln ignored the Supreme Court’s 1857 Dred Scott decision.

Section 29 of the Kentucky Constitution says, “The legislative power shall be vested in a House of Representatives and a Senate, which, together, shall be styled the “General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.”

Mrs. Davis took an oath to uphold the US Constitution as well as the Kentucky Constitution and she is doing both.

The imprisonment of this county clerk, who has been targeted because of her Christian beliefs, is the end goal of homosexual activists for all who do not agree with their lifestyle choice. They will not permit any dissenting voices; all will be forced to celebrate their “marriages” or suffer the consequences.

We do not live in an oligarchy ruled by the decisions of a majority of nine unelected judges not accountable to the voters of the United States. Same-sex “marriage” is not the law of the land and is only valid in the states where there is a voter-approved referendum or the legislature has taken action to legalize it. Period!