Synopsis:  Confirmation hearings will be held today for several of Tom Tom WolfWolf’s nominees — including Pedro Cortes for Secretary of State (remember Kermit Gosnell) and sexually confused Dr. “Rachel” Levine for Physician General.


February 17, 2015


Confirmation Hearings for Two Bad Nominees TODAY!


The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee will be holding confirmation hearings on several of Governor Wolf’s nominees today.  Two of the most troubling are Pedro Cortes for Secretary of State and Dr. “Rachel” Levine for Physician General.

Cortes was the Secretary of State under Rendell and the man who ignored the part of his job that required inspections of abortion clinics.   Kermit Gosnell’s butcher shop or rather abortion clinic operated on Cortes’ watch and now Wolf wants to give him his old job back.     Philly District Attorney Seth Williams said at the time, Gosnell “induced labor, forced the live birth of viable babies in the sixth, seventh, eighth month of pregnancy and then killed those babies by cutting into the back of the neck with scissors and severing their spinal cord.”

The other nominee is for Physician General – Dr. “Rachel” Levine.  He has identified as a woman for five years, serves on the board of the homosexual group Equality PA and is the LGBT liaison for Penn State Hershey Office of Diversity.  Click here to read our news release for more details.

Go here for more details and action steps.