Synopsis: On February 26 the FCC will be voting on a yet-to-be-made public 300+ page rule change for the internet. It will use the 1934 Communications Act to reclassify the internet as a “telecommunications” service rather than an “information” service. Along with the reclassification will come FCC regs, policies and taxes!
February 19, 2015
Feds Want to Regulate the Internet, Stifle Innovation and Raise Your Cell Phone Bill!
The current battle stretches back a year, when a federal appeals court struck down the Federal Communication Commission’s previous net neutrality rules, written by President Obama’s law school buddy and then-FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.
In its ruling, the court effectively told the FCC that it had the authority to police traffic on the Internet, but that its rules were written incorrectly. The previous rules were written for “telecommunications” services such as phone lines, the court said, whereas broadband Internet had been classified as an “information” service.
The message: scale them back or reclassify the Internet.
Apparently, new FCC Chair Tom Wheeler has succumbed to pressure to do the latter. The Hill acknowledges Wheeler has completely changed course on this issue due to lobbying by net neutrality groups and the direct intervention of the president. Wheeler’s proposal attempts to reclassify the Internet as a telecommunications service and regulating it under the 1934 Communications Act. The plan would apply to both wired service provided by companies like Comcast and wireless service by companies like T-Mobile. That would put all Internet service in the same regulatory camp as telephones and any other public utility.
If that change is approved, this gives you a glimpse of what will happen to the consumers — us:
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