August 3, 2023


Yes, It Is a Treaty!


President Joe Biden is claiming he has the authority to enter into an agreement with the World Health Organization (WHO) without Senate approval.  Biden wants to give WHO control over Americans, from declaring an epidemic to enacting an emergency response.  Democrat Senator Dick Durbin admitted that what the WHO is trying to accomplish is a new “treaty.”   He then downplays that assertion with three lies:

  1. “A draft treaty under consideration in the WHO does not overrule any nation’s ability to pass individual pandemic-related policies.”
  2. “The draft treaty would be non-binding and lays out broad recommendations related to international cooperation on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.”
  3. “These documents do not mention lockdowns, closures or specific citizen surveillance systems.”

Let’s respond to those lies:

  1. The draft treaty and a list of amendments being pushed for a vote clearly states that individual nations can make MORE rules or laws that are MORE restrictive than what the WHO is demanding, but they CANNOT make rules or laws that are LESS restrictive.
  2. The amendments to the draft treaty give the WHO enormous power, and the treaty will be enforced as legally binding under international law on all 194 member nations.
  3. The WHO documents clearly include the power to impose travel restrictions, to enforce them via digital health passports, to impose lockdowns, closures, surveillance, tracking, tracing, complete control over all medical treatments with the ability to withhold or to mandate medical treatments or vaccines, control of the vaccine/drug approval process, direct control and ownership over 1 in 5 of everything manufactured that is health related.

The WHO intends to finalize the pandemic treaty and International Health Regulations amendments by May 2024.

FYI:  Currently, the United States is the largest contributor to the WHO’s $6.72 billion budget, of which $1.25 billion is for “health emergencies.” The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second largest donor to the WHO, contributing 9 percent of its budget in 2021; China is the third.

Action Steps

Congress must step in to stop President Biden from placing the United States under the control of the United Nation’s World Health Organization!!   Click here to contact your Congressman and Senators Casey and Fetterman and demand they do everything to stop Biden’s relinquishment of US sovereignty to the WHO.

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