September 5, 2023


Tell Your State Senators This Act is Not Fair


Democrats have a history or naming a bill the exact opposite of what it will actually do.  One recent example here in PA is the introduction of the so-called Fairness Act (HB 300).  This bill would add “ actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression” to the PA Human Relations Act.  In essence, the bill would make homosexuality and transgenderism a “civil right”!   This would impact housing, public accommodations, and any employer with four or more employees – including religious employers.  On May 2nd the bill passed in the State House by a vote of 102 – 98.

Two Republicans – Aaron Kaufer (Luzerne County) and Alec Ryncavage (Luzerne County)  – joined all Democrats (except Frank Burns (Cambria County) who had the commonsense to vote ‘nay’).  Republican State Rep Joe Emrick (Northampton County) was excused from the session.

The bill is not fair and is discriminatory!  It will force religious employers to disregard their deeply held religious beliefs that engaging in a lifestyle which the Bible calls an abomination and be forced to hire homosexual, bisexuals, transgenders.   If this bill passes the bathroom doors across the Commonwealth would be flung wide open!

Action Steps

HB 300 is currently in the Senate State Government Committee.  Ask your State Senator to vote ‘nay’ on HB 300 when it comes to the floor for a vote.

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