September 11, 2017


Has Anything Changed in the Last Sixteen Years?


Where were you around 9:00 a.m. on  Tuesday, September 11, 2001?  I believe we all remember where we were when we first  heard news of the attacks on our nation that day!  For the remainder of the day the majority of Americans remained clued to the radio or TV as the horror continued.

We must ask ourselves whether anything has changed since then.  Are we more secure now?  We’ve heard over and over from politicians and the news media that Islam is a religion of peace, but is it? What are our schools teaching the future leaders of America?

Here are a couple short videos -about 5 minutes each – to remind us of the terrorist attacks and the full devastation that befell our nation that day.

World Trade Center Attacks  not only deals with the attacks on the US, but other terrorists attacks that have taken place in other parts of the world.

Live TV Coverage Montage has news coverage from around the world of the attacks on September 11, 2001.

And the 2200 acres that make up the Flight 93 Memorial  in Somerset County . . . well, that’s a story with many intriguing components!  The question remains as to where the cross has gone?? It was donated to the temporary memorial by a local church.  Part of the Flight 93 story includes the unsuccessful fight on one father and mother to not have their son’s name included in the Flight 93 Memorial because of the Islamic symbolism woven throughout.  On February 20, 2009 Mrs. Beverly Burnett wrote a letter to the Daily American newspaper in Somerset — Read it here Mrs Burnett Joins Husband in Calling for Investigation

Action Steps

1.)  Take time to read today’s Pamela Geller Report here  to see just how very successful the jihadists have been in conquering America since the attacks on September 11, 2001.

2.)  Pray for America