AFA of PA ACTION ALERTMyDoorSign All Gender WC

September 19, 2016


SB 1306 IS About Forcing Employers to Hire Sexually Confused Individuals


As you know the Senate Labor and Industry Committee held a hearing on SB 1306 on August 30th.   If this bill becomes law it would add “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” to the PA Human Relations Act when it deals with employment.  If you would like to listen to the over three hours of testimony, you can click here  

Supporters of the bill tried to divert attention from the fact passage of SB 1306 would require employers, including Christian business owners, to hire those who are confused about their sexuality.  It is about the bathroom!  Any talk about a ‘religious exemption’ would not help these business owners.  However, even secular business owners don’t want to be forced to allow men who think they are women into the women’s bathroom.    Cabela’s near Reading is one such store.

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