Author: admin

Podcast: The Olympic Opening Ceremony; Guest: Steve McConkey

The summer Olympics in Paris, France started out with controversy!! Eighteen performers worked very hard to mock the 2.4 billion followers of Christ. This from the Western Journal: The controversy came over a drag show that featured French drag “star” Nicky Doll and his fellow men-pretending-to-be-women watching actual women in a fashion show and staring “fiercely at the models strutting,” according to, the website of the gay and lesbian magazine Out. “In a subsequent segment, Nicky and the other queens were shown actually walking the runway as well,” Out reported. Well, they did more than walk the runway!

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Action Alert – Thank Senator Kim Ward

HB 300, the bill to add sexual orientation and gender identity or expression to the PA Human Relations Act, which impacts employment, housing and public accommodations, passed the Democrat-controlled State House in May. Senate Pro-temp Kim Ward is under a lot of pressure to get the bill out of the Senate. Encourage her to remain strong and resist those who are pressuring her to move this dangerous bill.

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