Author: admin

Action Alert – Today is Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day, a day set aside to honor all veterans – living and dead. It seems like too many Americans have forgotten about the sacrifices made to secure and protect our freedoms. We need to show our gratitude to those who are willing to serve in our all-volunteer force. We need to stand up for them and protect them from government-mandated social engineering. Honor them on this day.

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Podcast: What Democrat Wins in VA May Mean for 2020; Guest: Bob Marshall

Well, we’ve gotten through the 2019 General Election. Across Pennsylvania the GOP still holds the majority of counties, with some pickups in six counties across the Commonwealth. In the Philly area, the Democrats picked up some more seats — winning every seat on Delaware County Council and winning the majority in the Chester and Bucks Counties legislative bodies. But going a little south of PA, we’re going to take a look at the Commonwealth of Virginia — the home of Give me Liberty or Give me Death Patrick Henry, the author of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson and the home of the Father of our Country George Washington. We’re going to take a look at what happen on November 5th and why.

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Action Alert – Court Says Marsy’s Law Amendment Vote Will Not Be Counted, But . . .

Voting is a privilege that many people in this world do not have. Samuel Adams of Boston TEA Party fame said, “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote . . . that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.” That’s how important your vote is and, yes, one vote does count!

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