Author: admin

Podcast – War on Psychotherapy; Guest: Christopher Doyle

No one can deny that there is a culture war going on and many times it’s the children who are the ultimate victims. There’s a war on basic biology and even a war on our very language. There’s an effort to redefine psychotherapy and these therapists are caught right in the middle of this war led by LGBTQ activists who want to trap those with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion in their unwanted feelings.

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Action Alert – Voter Registration Deadline Approaches

One of the things that makes America unique is the fact that we can choose our leaders. However, too many don’t take that responsibility seriously and sit out election after election. No one can deny our country is in deep trouble and we as believers need to not only pray for her and her leaders, but be involved in the political process. Voting is our civic responsibility and it should not be taken lightly!

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Podcast – Drag Queen Shows Using People with Down Syndrome; Guest: Bill Johnson

Drag Queen Story Hours have definitely been in the news this year, although the assault began before 2019 — it just didn’t make the news here in Pennsylvania, although we have since found out such story hours did happen in PA last year! There’s no doubt Drag Queen Story Hours are a direct assault upon our children and an attempt to normalize the LGBT lifestyle — particularly the concept that boys can be girls and vice versa. In fact, one man who reads during these story hours admitted during public comments at a Lafayette, LA meeting that “This is going to be the grooming of the next generation.” But now it’s not just 3 to 8 year old kids that are being targeted, but an even more vulnerable group — those with Down syndrome!!

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Media Advisory – Parents Know Best News Conference and Rally

On September 24, 2019 beginning at 10:00 a.m., a “Parents Know Best News Conference and Rally” will take place in the Media Center and the Main Rotunda of the Capitol Building, respectively. The event will outline some of the many examples of a government seeking to take away the rights of parents. In too many cases the government steps in and does harm to both children and families in its attempt to wield its power and send the message that it knows what’s best for children.

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