Author: admin

Podcast – Need to Reclaim Our Godly Heritage; Guest: Dr. Rick Saccone

Anyone even casually reading the writings of our Founding Fathers cannot deny they believed in a living, active God who intervene into the affairs of men. But a student in today’s public schools would not know any of that — many probably can’t even name the first President and don’t even know the reasons behind our War for Independence. Is there a deliberate effort to rewrite our nation’s history – to remove all evidence that we are a nation which was founded upon the Bible and the Founders of this nation were God-fearing men?

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Podcast: Danger of the Transgender Agenda; Guest: Laura Perry

We left you hanging at the end of last week’s program as Laura was telling her story of living as a transman for years. The struggles she went through, the thoughts that “becoming” a man would end all her problems, but the reality that it wasn’t quite working out the way she thought it would. And all along the Lord put people in her path to nudge her back in the right direction and kept her safe in dangerous situations she placed herself in.

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