Author: admin

Action Alert — HHS Proposed Rule Change – Leave a Comment

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing a rule change to rescind the Obama era rule that forced doctors to perform abortions and “sex reassignment” surgeries, even though they have conscientious objections to such procedures. HHS is seeking public comment on the rule change. Please take a few minutes to let them know what you think.

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Podcast: Transgender to Transformed; Guest: Laura Perry

No one can deny that the transgender movement took the country by storm almost immediately after the Obergefell decision on June 26, 2015 and that assault has not abate since then. We now have public libraries hosting Drag Queen Story Hours and young boys doing drag at gay bars. Where will this end and is there any hope for those who identify as transgender?

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Action Alert – Philip is in Prison, and his birthday is July 17th

A mother flees the country with her child to escape court-ordered child sexual abuse. An administration gets involved and accuses her and those who help her flee of “international parental kidnapping.” Ten years later her and her child’s whereabouts are unknown. Those who helped her have and continue to serve prison terms for their roles in her escape. The country? The United States. The administration? Obama’s.

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