Author: Diane Gramley

Podcast – Losing America’s History; Guest: Carris Kocher

How history is told impacts future generations of any country. Since at least 2021, the PA Historical and Museum Commission has been engaged in a comprehensive review of its 2500 historical markers. Here are a couple examples of what they’ve done: made changes to a marker at the suburban Philadelphia birthplace of Continental Army Maj. Gen. “Mad” Anthony Wayne because it referred to him as an “Indian fighter.” It also is developing a replacement to a marker that has been removed from the grounds of the National Aviary in Pittsburgh, on the site of a 19th-century prison, that noted Confederate cavalry were held there after their capture in Ohio during the Civil War. Across the nation there is an effort to rewrite our nation’s history, but what prompted this interview was the effort to remove a statue of William Penn from Welcome Park in Philadelphia.

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Action Alert – Governor Shapiro Tells Senate to Pass Dangerous Bill

The PA Human Relations Act covers employment, housing and public accommodation. The Democrats are trying to get HB 300 passed which would add “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” to the law. This would open women’s private spaces to men who identify as women and would force Christian owned businesses to hire homosexuals and transgenders. In the case of a Christian owned bakery, videographer, wedding shop or even a venue that rents for wedding receptions or weddings, they would be forced to go against their strongly held religious beliefs that marriage is only between one man and one woman.

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Podcast – Danger of United Nations’ Agenda 2030; Guest: Dr. John Diamond

The United Nations has gone well beyond its original mission and now wants to control every aspect of every citizens’ life throughout the world. This is from the Preamble of one of their latest initiatives: “This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.

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