Author: Diane Gramley

Podcast – Is Climate Change Real? Are we in danger? Guest: Dr. David Legates

According to some the end is near and it’s all because of the actions of humans. Some say we have twelve years left, however they have had to revise those numbers. Just a few short years ago we were told the earth was headed to another ice age, now the “science” says the earth is actually heating up. Some news outlets are telling us the earth is actually boiling.! Let’s face it, the reports were in July and August in the northern hemisphere. It does tend to get rather warm and, in some places, humid each year during those months. The current administration is considering all sorts of policy changes in order to address the issue, but is it really an issue?

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Action Alert – Taxpayer Dollars for Killing Babies, But Not Saving Babies

Governor Josh Shapiro announces the defunding of an organization that helps women in crisis by providing them and their children with free diapers, strollers, temporary shelter and other support. 350,000 women have been helped since Democrat Governor Bob Casey established Real Alternatives, now our current Democrat governor wants to end this support.

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