Author: Diane Gramley

Podcast – Why citizens need to be vigilant when it comes to school board meetings; Guest: Lou Aliota

No one can deny that the public schools of today are not the public schools that we attended. In too many cases, today’s public schools are more like indoctrination centers for the woke agenda. This did not happen overnight, but has been decades in the making. Since the COVID lockdowns parents have been awakened to what their children are being taught in the local taxpayer-funded schools and, by and large, they are shocked, frustrated and outraged with what they have witnessed. There is a move across the Commonwealth as many who have never been involved in anything political are stepping up to run for school board in order to create a better learning environment for students. Will that be an easy job?

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Action Alert – Today is the National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer. No one can deny our nation has strayed far from its Christian roots. Those pushing revisionist history say this nation was not founded upon Christian principles. Those pushing this idea have never read the writings of our Founding Fathers nor have ever read of the many miracles that took place during our War for Independence. Pray today that our nation would turn back to those roots.

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Podcast – Big Brother in the Exam Room; Guest – Twila Brase

In the past three years more Americans have come to realize that their health is being monitored by the US government and many are wondering how this happened. This has been going on for a long time and both parties have facilitated the transformation. It did not begin with Obamacare, as I always assumed, until I read the book Big Brother in the Exam Room, The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records.

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