Author: Diane Gramley

Podcast- The US is Under One Party Rule; Guest: Bob Knight

Since January 2021 the United States has been under one party rule. How’s that improved life for American citizens? Well, I believe most Americans, if they were honest, would say it has made life harder and I think the poll numbers bear that out. Just what has one party rule brought us? Robert Knight wrote a book back in 2020 entitled The Coming Communist Wave – What Happens if the Left Captures All Three Branches of Government?

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Action Alert – Senate Will Move Forward in Attempt to Place Same-Sex “Marriage” Into Law

It’s a little more than a week after the midterm elections and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is determined to codify the US Supreme Court Obergefell decision, which forced so-called same sex marriage on the nation. But first he must obtain 60 votes in the cloture vote in order to bring HR 8404 before the full Senate for a vote.

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Podcast- Reflections on the mid-terms; Guest: Bill Johnson

The 2022 mid-term election is over. As of this taping, they are still counting votes in some races. Why is it taking so long in this technologically advanced nation?? Many will be studying this election, trying to determine just what happened. The Red Wave that was predicted, fizzled to say the least! While GOP candidates concentrated on the economy, crime and the crisis on our southern border, the Democrats zeroed in on one issue: abortion. What do these election results say about a nation?

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Action Alert: Veterans Day 2022

Veterans Day 2022 – a time to honor our veterans who have been willing to lay down their lives to protect and defend our Constitution, our freedoms, and our way of life. Let’s take time today to give them special honor, but let’s not just make it a one day a year event, we need to thank them for their service every day!

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