Author: Diane Gramley

Action Alert – Transgender Bill of Rights on the Horizon

Some are calling it the “Equality Act 2.0”. However, it is worse than that! Passage of H.Res. 1209 will throw out all state laws protection women’s sports, will force religious hospitals to perform abortions and “sex-change” surgeries, force all religious schools, daycares, organizations to hire those who identify as LGBTQ and force them to pay for so-called sex change surgeries, hormone treatments and abortions. It’s that bad and much worse!

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News Release – Governor Wolf’s Attacks on Women Continues

PA Governor Tom Wolf, a former Planned Parenthood escort, continues his efforts in attacking women. It was not enough to escort Pennsylvania women into an abortion facility; he’s gone beyond that! The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide advocacy group, condemns Governor Wolf’s actions as he follows in lock step with his political party.

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Podcast – Day of the Christian Martyr; Guest: Todd Nettleton

In Matthew 28 Jesus says, “. . . go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. Just what does that mean in today’s world? Are those words still relevant? We know Stephen was the first Christian martyr. His death is recorded in the Book of Acts. According to Christian tradition, June 29th marks the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul. That day is set aside each year to honor the faithful witness of not only Paul, but others who have sacrificed their lives for the Gospel.

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