Author: Diane Gramley

Podcast – Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage; Guest: Twila Brase

The Medicare Open Enrollment deadline has passed and too many America seniors may have made a mistake when they signed up! When signing up enrollees have to choose between Medicare Advantage of the Original Medicare. You see a lot of billboards around in this area saying if you have questions about Medicare, call such and such a number and talk to Jackie or whoever. Has Medicare become big business are the ones making a decision about Medicare being given accurate information or even all the information they need?

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Podcast- Danger of Government Takeover of Private Land; Guest: Keith Klingler

If you watch closely, you’ll see news stories about the need to preserve the land, to stop the over-development of properties – especially rural properties. The Department of the Interior is more than willing to claim more land for the US government. In fact in some states, more than 75 percent of their land is under the control of the US government. When you hear the words conservation or conservancy, what do think of? According to an online dictionary, those words pertain to safeguarding, preservation, protection, but what are the real ramifications for a community when a conservancy takes control of a property?

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