Blog: American Again Detained in Canada Because of Beliefs on Peter LaBarberaHomosexuality

A little background: In April of this year Peter LaBarbera, president of Chicago-based Americans for Truth About Homosexuality was invited to speak at the annual conference of the Saskatchewan Pro-life Association. Upon his entry into Canada, he was immediately detained on the grounds he could be violating Canada’s “Hate Propaganda” law. The authorities at the Regina Airport searched through all his luggage, his cell phone, all the books and other material he was bringing into the country, closely scrutinized his website   After the three hour ordeal, they decided he would not be admitted into the country, told he could appeal their decision the next day and was handed over to his friend Bill Whatcott.

The customs paperwork prepared for LaBarbera at that time said he was “a foreign national who has not been authorized to enter Canada and who, in my opinion, is inadmissible pursuant to: Paragraph 37(2)(c) … on grounds of criminality for committing an act outside Canada that is an offence in the place where it was committed and that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an indictable offence under an act of parliament.” The paperwork cited the crime of “public incitement of hatred.”

In the end he was released under the supervision of his friend Bill.   He spoke at the pro-life banquet and the next day he and Bill went to the University of Regina to minister. There Peter held up someone’s sign that said “Sodomy is a Sin” and a large placard showing an unborn baby. The students were outraged, security was called and they both were arrested.   Their trial for that “offense” is Thursday, October 30th.

So . . . Peter headed back into Canada on Monday for the trial and was again detained upon landing at the Regina Airport. For two and a half hours they search his belongings, one of his DVDs was confiscated as potential “hate propaganda” in violation of a Canadian law.   (FYI — A copy of that DVD is sitting on my desk right now and it can be seen in Canada and worldwide on YouTube!)

That which is happening in Canada tells the story of what homosexual activists want for the rest of the world — outlawing any and all opposition to their lifestyle choice. Here in the US we have the First Amendment freedoms of religion, speech, press, to peaceably assembly and the right to petition our government. Taking a close look at each of these freedoms and rights, we can see how they have been eroded.

  • Christian business owners being forced to bake cakes for homosexual “weddings” or be fined
  • hate crimes laws have a chilling effect upon speech
  • government officials placing pressure upon reporters to delay or squelch a story
  • ask the Philadelphia 11 about the right to peaceably assemble!
  • we can still go through the motion of petitioning our government, but our voices increasingly fall on deaf ears

Will the US become another Canada? Will we be arrested for speaking or writing the truth about the sin of engaging in homosexual acts? Will the Bible be declared hate speech as it was in the hate crimes trial of the Philadelphia 11 and be banned?

The goal of homosexual activists is to not only silence all opposition, but to force all to celebrate their depravity. Will they succeed or will the church wake up in time to say “NO.”