News Release
For Immediate Release:  September 29, 2023
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078

Fourteen Republican Congressmen Side With Democrats to Keep Drag Queens on Base

(Harrisburg)  – Texas Congressman Chip Roy introduced an amendment to block taxpayer funding for gay pride events and drag queen shows in the military.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide advocacy group, supports the banning of drag queen shows and gay pride events in the military.  Unfortunately, Congressman Roy’s amendment failed with the help of 14 on his side of the aisle.

“It is extremely disappointing that fourteen Republicans, including PA’s Brian Fitzpatrick of Bucks County would side with all the Democrats to defeat Congressman Roy’s effort to prevent taxpayer dollars from being spent to promote and encourage these perversions”, stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

  Such a vote is something we have come to expect from Democrats as they seem to have bought into the whole LGBTQ agenda, no matter how detrimental it is — even to the point of endangering our national security. 

“Yes, the military should show pride — pride in the country they are serving, pride in the military.  So-called gay pride is not something they signed up for and the word is getting out that the military has lost its way, has forgotten its mission and the shortfall in recruitment is evidence of that,” Gramley concluded.

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick’s constituents should let him know what they think of his vote!!

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