News Release
For Immediate Release: October 11, 2010
Contact: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
National Coming Out Day – a Danger to Children
(Harrisburg) – Each year since October 11, 1987 homosexual activists groups encourage individuals, some as young as eleven, to ‘come out’ as homosexual, bisexual or transgender. This is an effort to “prove” that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are “everywhere”. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, notes that, according to the CDC, this effort has resulted in approximately 2.0% of the overall American population 13 years of age and older to identify as male homosexual. The Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual lobby group, funded a Hunter College study in 2008 which found that 2.9% of the overall US population identify as ‘gay, lesbian and bisexual.’
“Homosexual activists work to increase their numbers by claiming there is a ‘gay gene’ and that some people are born ‘gay.’ This encourages children, who go through a natural phase of believing the opposite sex has ‘cooties,’ to identify as homosexual. In some cases this tactic traps children in a lifestyle they want to get out of, yet they are told they are born that way,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA remarked.
The Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network’s (GLSEN) 2009 School Climate Survey claims that nearly nine out of ten students who identify as homosexual are harassed. GLSEN fails to mention that the four authors of the ‘survey’ all work for GLSEN and they self-selected the respondents by soliciting responses only from students who identify as ‘gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.’ As a result of their very biased ‘surveys’ GLSEN has pressured schools to introduce homosexual topics and books to kids as young as kindergarten.
“Children should not be used as political pawns, but increasingly we see that is the case. Homosexual groups target our nation’s children by misleading them through events like National Coming Out Day and through pro-homosexual propaganda in schools. Their insistence that people are born gay lead too many of our children down a dark path of hopelessness,” concluded Gramley.
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