News Release
For Immediate Release:  November 19, 2010
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078

Philadelphia City Council Member Bows to Pressure from Homosexual Groups

(Philadelphia) —  Councilman Darrell Clarke says Wednesday’s announcement  of a settlement with the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council (COLBSA) was ‘premature’ and he did not introduce the expected ordinance to finalize the deal during the Thursday morning City Council Meeting.   The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, asserts that the Councilman has given in to pressure from homosexual groups which had first approached the city so many years ago to force the Scouts to go against the national policy of not permitting open homosexual leaders and members by either threatening to evict the Scouts or force them to pay rent.

“The City of Philadelphia has been harassing the Scouts for too long.  The overall problem is the City should change it’s Fair Practices Ordinance and remove “sexual orientation,” then  the problem would be solved.  If the City ultimately wins this battle, will LGBT activists then demand that the Scouts allow transgender members because “gender identity” has more recently been added  to the ordinance,” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The city solicitor and the Scouts’ attorney had reached the best settlement for both parties, but homosexual activists have but one thing in mind and that is to make an example of the Boy Scouts in Philadelphia.

“The continuing attack upon the  Scouts in Philadelphia should be a stark warning to the four surrounding municipalities which are considering passing human relations ordinances with “sexual orientation” language.  As the AFA of PA has warned each of them such ordinances will have a negative impact upon the Boy Scouts in their area.  The good works of the Scouts is being ignored as they are targeting by homosexual activists and rampant political correctness.  This continued distraction hinders their work with the tens of thousands of boys in the area,” Gramley further commented.

In 2006 then Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick came to the defense of the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council.  Having been elected once again by the citizens in PA’s 8th Congressional District, perhaps defending COLBSA should be one of his first official acts.

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