News Release
For Immediate Release: April 20. 2011
Contact: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Borough of Conshohocken Warned
(Harrisburg) – As yet another municipality in southeastern Pennsylvania is “encouraged” to pass a so-called anti-discrimination ordinance, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, has contacted each Council Member in the Borough of Conshohocken in Montgomery County warning them of the real world ramifications of the passage of such ordinances in other parts of the country.
State Representative Michael Gerber (D-148) has apparently joined State Senator Daylin Leach (D-17) in approaching local municipalities and asking them to pass homosexual special rights ordinances. He, as well as Leach, has unsuccessfully convinced their fellow legislators to pass such discriminatory laws since they’ve been in office so are now turning to local borough and township elected officials who have more important things to deal with than a non-existent problem. Will Gerber also leave out relevant information when approaching the Borough of Conshohocken as Leach did in Haverford Township?
“Gerber and Leach are misusing the trust their constituents have placed in them by pushing this radical agenda on unsuspecting local officials. These local board and council members are dealing with their constituents’ day to day issues such as the Little League, road repair and revitalization and zoning issues; they do not need to be used by those seeking to put pressure on legislators in Harrisburg to make unnecessary changes to the PA Human Relations Act,” Diane Gramley, President of the AFA of PA noted.
The communication with the Conshohocken Council Members included examples of problems created by such ordinances from California to New Mexico to Minnesota and Indiana. The AFA of PA also pointed to the continuing attack on the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council in Philadelphia where homosexual activists are pressuring the City to renege on the agreement they and the Scouts came to in November after the city lost in an attempt to evict the Scouts or force them to pay $200,000 annual rent on a building the Scouts had built and maintained since 1929.
“The ordinance Representative Gerber is asking the Borough of Conshohocken to pass is not necessary. Homosexuals, bisexuals nor transgenders have not lost their jobs, been thrown out of a restaurant or been evicted from their homes because of the behavior in which they engage or because of who they think they are. A problem does not exist in Conshohocken anymore than it has existed in the other municipalities which have been pressured to pass these special rights ordinances,” further noted Gramley.
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