February 15, 2012


Blunt Amendment to Protect the Rights of Conscience of Religious Employers


Remember Obama’s compromise on the Health and Human Services mandate to cover abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraception is not a compromise!  This is what he said in a statement on Friday:  Women will have access to free preventive care that includes contraceptive services, but if a women’s employer objects to birth control for religious reasons “the insurance company will be required to reach out and offer the woman contraceptive care free of charge.”

Yesterday Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promised Senator Blunt of Missouri that he would allow his Respect for Rights of Conscience Amendment to the Transportation bill to be brought up for a vote. The Blunt Amendment would let employers opt out of any coverage mandates they find immoral, affirming the constitutional right to freedom of religion. Reid allowed other amendments to be voted on today, but ‘somehow’ forgot to allow Senator Blunt to bring his up!  In fact, Senator Blunt’s amendment is not even on the Senate calendar for a vote!

Action Steps

1.)  Contact your US Senators — Bob Casey, Jr. and Pat Toomey — and ask them to put pressure on Senator Harry Reid to bring the Respect for Rights of Conscience Amendment up for a vote before the full Senate.  Please call AND email both Senators, click here for contact info.

2.)  Ask Senators Casey and Toomey to vote ‘yea’ on Senator Blunt’s amendment — Amendment Number 1520 to S 1813.