February 23, 2012


Sign the Petition to Support PA’s Marriage Protection Amendment


On May 2, 2011 State Representative Daryl Metcalfe introduced HB 1434 Pennsylvania’s  Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA).  It has been in limbo since that time because Majority Floor Leader Mike Turzai has refused to guarantee a vote in the House once the bill passes in the House State Government Committee.  We need to send a message to Representative Turzai and other members of the State House!

The language of HB 1434 is identical to that of Florida’s MPA which passed with over 60% of the vote!

Since HB 1434 was introduced, New York has legalized so-called same sex marriage, the New Jersey legislature passed and Governor Christie vetoed a same-sex “marriage” bill, just last week the Maryland House passed a bill legalizing same-sex “marriage” and the Maryland Senate is expected to vote on the bill by the end of this week.  Governor O’Malley is anxiously awaiting the opportunity to sign the bill into law!

Pennsylvania is in a perilous position and is unprotected if two Pennsylvania homosexuals cross state lines to get “married” then come back here to challenge our Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  The case would end up in the courts and the outcome is uncertain.  We could end up like Iowa where its Supreme Court threw out their DOMA!  We cannot take that chance with the basic building block of society that’s why we need to protect marriage through a constitutional amendment.

Action Steps

1.)  Sign the online petition by clicking here. 

2.)  Print off a paper petition to circulate and return to the AFA of PA by June 30th.  Click here.

3.)  Share this information with friends and family.