News Release
For Immediate Release:  April 1, 2013
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Senator Bob Casey, Jr. Again Proves He Does Not Have the Fortitude His Dad Did

(Harrisburg) — In one fell swoop Senator Bob Casey, Jr. rejected real marriage, embraced counterfeit same-sex “marriage,” thus rejecting the teachings of the Catholic Church.  He has now completed the “evolution” of so many Democrats who have turned their backs on the majority of their constituents and have leaped over the cliff and into the unknown territory or redefining society’s foundation block, noted the statewide traditional values group, American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA).

“Casey’s support of civil unions which have been used as a stepping stone to same-sex  marriage in every state they’ve been legalized was troubling enough, but for him to totally reject one man one woman marriage as God’s only plan for marriage is a bridge too far.  We need strong leaders who are willing to stand up and do what is right no matter what type pressure is exerted by special interest groups that are seeking to redefine marriage and remake the United States,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

“Pro-life” Senator Casey has shown his disregard for life in his votes in the Senate.  He voted to overturn the Mexico City Policy and increase funding for overseas groups that perform and refer abortions.  Casey was praised by Planned Parenthood for those votes.

Bob Casey, Jr. was endorsed by the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign in 2006 and has worked with them in introducing homosexual special rights bills in the Senate.  But just last May, facing the voters in November, Casey backed away from President Obama’s endorsement of same-sex “marriage.”   Now he has turned his back on Pennsylvania’s children sending them the message that they do not need a mom and a dad.

“Senator Bob Casey, Jr. does not have to face the voters for another six years and is willing to step over the same-sex “marriage” cliff, in hopes that the voters will not remember his flip flop on this issue.  Apparently, he hopes his decision to redefine marriage will not be an issue in 2018.  I believe the exact opposite will be the case,” Gramley concluded.

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