News Release
For Immediate Release:  May 3, 2013
Contact:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Philly Scouts Give in to Demands of Homosexual Activists

(Philadelphia) —  After years of battling the City of Philadelphia and winning a five year court battle, the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council has given up and will leave their headquarters the end of June!   The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, warns that this relentless attack on the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council (COLBSA) should be a stark warning to others who pass so-called anti-discrimination ordinances.

“Philadelphia added “sexual orientation” to their Fair Practices Ordinance back in 1982, in 2003 an all out attack began with Pew Charitable Trust dropping its $100,000 grant and the United Way of Southeastern PA dropping a $400,000 grant.  But homosexual activists were not going to be content until the Scouts were out of the headquarters they built and have maintained since 1929 on property the 1928 City Council gave them free use of in perpetuity.  Philadelphia has now redefined in perpetuity to mean 85 years,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

In November 2010 COLBSA and the City of Philadelphia were on the verge of a settlement with the agreement the city would sell the Scouts their headquarters for $500,000.    However homosexual activists immediately attacked that idea and the needed resolution was never introduced in City Council.

In March 2012, U.S. District Judge Ronald L. Buckwalter upheld the June 2010 jury verdict and ordered the city to pay the Scouts $877,000 in legal fees.

The following month, the city appealed Buckwalter’s ruling to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Throughout this ordeal for the Cradle of Liberty, there is one thing quite evident and that is the viciousness of homosexual activists who claim discrimination when an organization does not agree with them.  Their game plan is to force all to validate their dangerous lifestyle — no matter what it costs.  With teens and young men who have sex with men making up about a quarter of the new HIV cases and black youth accounting for the largest share of new cases, this is tragic for Philadelphia.   Homosexual activists are not interested in the well-being of boys, they simply wanted to make an example of COLBSA.  This should be a warning to all who have added “sexual orientation” to any anti-discrimination policy!   It has happened in Philadelphia, it will happen in your municipality next,” Gramley concluded.

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