Search Results for: transgender + Philadelphia

News Release: Philadelpia Renews Attack on Boy Scouts

The City of Philadelphia has again given in to pressure from homosexual activists and removed their offer to the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council (COLBSA) which would have allowed the Scouts to buy their headquarters for $500,000 and, in return, COLBSA would drop its efforts to retrieve $960,000 in legal fees from the city. The city instead has taken the “advice” of homosexual activists and is appealing the 2010 court decision to the Third Circuit. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide children’s advocacy group, condemns the city’s attack on the Scouts which, in essence, is an attack on the young men of that city.

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Somerset County Action Alert: Targeted by Homosexuals

On July 31st, homosexual activist John DeBartola asked the Somerset County Commissioners to consider extending domestic partner benefits to the same-sex partners of county employees, passing an “anti-discrimination” ordinance — in reality a homosexual special rights ordinance — and creating a human relations commission to enforce the ordinance. DeBartola is a Johnstown resident and the president of the Keystone Alliance/Gaylife Newsletter.

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News Release: Why is Campbell’s Sponsoring This Event?

The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has contacted the Campbell’s Soup Company asking why they are sponsoring this week’s Equality Forum which promotes so-called same-sex marriage, adoption by homosexuals, homosexuality education to innocent young children in our schools and forcing our military to accept same-sex ‘marriage’ and transgenders in the ranks.

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News Release: UPenn Pays for Sexual Confusion

Last week the University of Pennsylvania announced, beginning July 1st, they will cover the cost of sex change surgery for their “transgender” employees. The school had already extended such insurance coverage for sexually confused students in the fall of 2010. Two days after the school’s announcement, students from the University of Pennsylvania joined students from Temple University and the Community College of Philadelphia to march through the streets of Philly protesting higher education cuts of $249 million in Governor Corbett’s budget.

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