Search Results for: transgender + Philadelphia

News Release: Susquehanna Township to Vote on Allowing Men to Use Women’s Restrooms

Yesterday the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) once again faxed questions and scenarios for the Susquehanna Township Board of Commissioners to consider before tonight’s vote on a so-called “anti-discrimination” ordinance. We have yet to hear anything from the commissioners. Apparently, they are not willing to address the potential harm that will be done if the ordinance is passed tonight.

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News Release: Will Whitemarsh Township Make the Tough Decision and Say ‘No’?

Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) emailed and faxed the Board of Supervisors concerning the public hearing about the so-called ‘anti-discrimination’ ordinance that was held tonight. The question is do the Township Supervisors have enough courage to honestly answer the questions and take a close look at the evidence presented outlining the dangers of passing the ordinance which will give special protections to homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders simply because of the sexual activity in which they engage and who they think they are.

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News Release -Harrisburg Bankrupt, Did Special Rights Ordinances Help Others?

Economic prosperity” is promised by homosexual activists pushing municipalities to pass human relations ordinances which in essence are homosexual special rights ordinances. Local elected officials are told passage of these ordinances will draw the ‘best and brightest’ which is in itself a slap in the face of those who oppose these ordinances. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has warned municipalities considering these ordinances that economic bliss is not on the horizon simply because they adopt special protections for homosexuals.

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Action Alert: Homosexuals Target Jenkintown

Jenkintown is the next target. Why would this small suburban town covering less than a square mile in area with a population of approximately 4,500 be targeted? It’s simply a potential feather in the cap of those trying to put pressure on the state legislature to change the PA Human Relations Act to include “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” thus giving homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders special rights simply because of the sexual activity in which they engage or who they think they are.

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News Release: Will Newtown Borough Answer the Questions?

Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, contacted each member of the Newtown Borough Council asking them several pointed questions prior to the vote on the so-called anti-discrimination ordinance tonight . Thus far there has been no response from council members nor a reaction to the examples sent last month of negative impact in other places where similar ordinances passed.

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