Search Results for: transgender + Philadelphia

News Release: Newtown Borough Looks at Homosexual Special Rights Ordinance

Newtown Borough in Bucks County seems to be on the fast track (with the encouragement of New Hope Borough) to pass a discriminatory “anti-discrimination” ordinance. The idea of such an ordinance was first brought up last month by Council President Julia Woldorf with the demand that the borough council vote to give the green light for the solicitor to write the borough’s “anti-discrimination” ordinance.

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News Release: GLSEN Partnership with Philly School District is Bad News

Recently the White House named the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) as one of its Champions of Change in Week 20: Suicide Prevention. This move again cements the Obama Administration to the promotion of homosexuality which goes hand in hand with the June 17th announcement that the Department of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) at the Centers for Disease Control had given a five-year annually renewable grant to GLSEN to “identify and maintain ‘safe spaces’ for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth” in our nation’s schools. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group advocating for the well-being of children, notes that one of those school districts is in Philadelphia.

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News Release: Philly Youth Study Center Must Affirm Mental Disorder

The first mistake was in February 2008 when a Family Court judge ordered the Philadelphia Youth Study Center (YSC) to give hormone treatments to a young man who wanted to live and dress as a young woman. In addition, they were to call him by the female name by which he had chosen to be called. The Center failed to carry out these orders, additionally overlooking verbal and apparent physical abuse.

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News Release: They Finally Admit It Is About the Bathroom.

Just prior to the vote on a proposed human relations ordinance in Bethlehem, the homosexual group Equality PA ‘let the cat out of the bag’ in admitting its efforts were also to force businesses and public accommodations to let men who think they are women to use the women’s restroom and vice versa. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has long asserted this was part of the plan.

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