May 2, 2011

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)    PA Marriage Protection Amendment Introduced!

2.)    Illegal Adult Pornography Must be Prosecuted


1.) Today State Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler) introduced a strong Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) which not only defines marriage as between one man and one woman, but also prevents counterfeit marriage i.e. civil unions.  In other states civil unions, which give all the rights and privileges of marriage to homosexual couples, have been used as stepping stones to same-sex marriage.  We are expected to preserve more than the word marriage, which is what a one sentence amendment does, but we must protect the institution of marriage, which a two sentence amendment accomplishes.    Representative Metcalfe modeled his amendment language after Florida’s MPA which was approved by  more than 60% of voters in 2008.   Here’s the language to HB 1434, the proposed Pennsylvania MPA:  “Marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.”  This language was also unanimously ruled as constitutional by the Florida Supreme Court when it was challenged by the ACLU.

2.) The AFA of PA is part of the War on Illegal Pornography coalition and we have embarked on a three day effort to flood the US Attorney General’s office with calls asking that he enforce the law!  Is that too much to ask of the nation’s chief law enforcement officer?  The call-in days are May 2, 3 and 4 which coincide with Attorney General Holder’s appearance before the US Senate and House Judiciary Committees for oversight hearings on his management of the Department of Justice.  Holder will face questions from Congress on his lack of enforcement of adult pornography laws.  Last month over 100 Senators and Congressman signed onto a letter to Eric Holder asking that he enforce the federal obscenity laws.  Of the 19 Congressman and two US Senators sent to Washington, DC to represent us only three signed the letter – Congressmen Joe Pitts, Mark Critz and Mike Kelly!  Click here to read the letter.

Action Steps

1.)     These action steps are critical: (a.) Contact your State Representative by clicking here.  If you don’t know who your State Rep is, key in your county or address in the upper right hand corner of this linked page.  Ask him or her to support HB 1434, a strong PA Marriage Protection Amendment.   (b) Sign our petition supporting the amendment by clicking here.     3.) Contact State Representative Mike Turzai, Chairman of the House Rules Committee, and ask him to not hinder the advance of HB 1434 in any way – don’t use any stalling tactics!  Call him at (717) 772-9943 and (412) 369-2230 with that message.

2.)    Our coalition partner Morality in Media has set up a toll-free number for your use, please call this number 1-877-639-1977 for instructions and they will connect you to the appropriate office in the Department of Justice to ask Attorney General Holder to enforce the federal obscenity laws.