News Release
For Immediate Release: January 31, 2012
Contact: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Three Pennsylvania Mayors Want to Legalize Counterfeit Marriage
(Harrisburg) — Three Pennsylvania mayors — Michael Nutter of Philadelphia, John Callahan of Bethlehem and Joe Sinnot of Erie — have joined about 100 of their fellow anti-family mayors in signing a statement calling for the legalization of counterfeit marriage, also known as same-sex “marriage.” This statement was in cooperation with the homosexual group Freedom to Marry. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, is appalled that three of our city mayors would support the redefinition of marriage and oppose what is best for children.
“Children need a mommy and a daddy and for Nutter, Callahan and Sinnot to support something that does not give that to their cities’ children or the other children of this Commonwealth and the nation is beyond outrageous. They’ve signed onto lies – one, people are born homosexual; two, homosexuals cannot already marry and three, children raised by two individuals of the same-sex are not adversely affected,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA stated.
In a November 23, 2007 Philadelphia Inquirer article Michael Smerconish calls on incoming mayor Michael Nutter to encourage marriage to help bring down the violence in Philadelphia because studies had shown children from an intact family are less likely to be involved in violent crimes. He said in the article, ” I was anxious to question Michael Nutter about data I’ve studied and written about that suggests a link between crime and the dissolution of marriage. I offered the data. Nutter was dismissive.” Unfortunate for Philadelphia as they closed 2011 as the ‘Per Capita Murder Capitol of the United States.’
Other findings on the importance of a married mother and father to children include:
1.) “Dual-Parenting: A Social Science Perspective For Optimal Child Rearing,”: “…there is no fact that has been established by social science literature more convincingly than the following: children ordinarily develop best and develop most fully when they are reared by both a mother and a father and are able to experience regular family interaction with both genders’ parenting techniques during their childhood.”
2.) The only major study to directly compare children raised in married, single-parent and same-sex households “Children in three contexts: Family, education and social development,”: “Overall, the study has shown that children of married couples are more likely to do well at school, in academic and social terms, than children of cohabiting heterosexual and homosexual couples.”
3.) Journal of Divorce & Remarriage examined a number of “gay parenting” studies and reported: “The conclusion that there are no significant differences in children reared by lesbian mothers versus heterosexual mothers is not supported by the published research data base.”
“To think that these three Pennsylvania mayors joined other far left mayors in undermining marriage and putting children further at risk is a disgrace to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Additionally, they do not represent the views of the majority of their constituency. The small minority of homosexuals have a loud voice, but that does not change the fact that the majority of Pennsylvanians understand that marriage is between one man and one woman no matter what three city mayors may sign,” Gramley concluded.
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