News Release
For Immediate Release:  February 6, 2013
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

BSA Board Vote Postponed: Pro-family Group Continues Push to Remove Boy Scout Board Members

(Harrisburg) — In response to pressure from individuals and groups holding traditional values, the Boy Scouts (BSA) announced today they will postpone until May a vote on possibly lifting the ban on homosexual leaders and members.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) urges the Boy Scouts to remove members of their own Executive Board who are pressuring them to go against the Boy Scout motto.

“The Scouts have heard the concerns voiced by America and have postponed a vote on this controversial change in policy, but that does not solve the problem.  They will be under continual pressure from within the Executive Board itself until they remove those who do not agree with the Boy Scouts’ mission.  AT&T’s Randall Stephenson and Ernst & Young’s Jim Turley and anyone else within the board who may be working behind the scenes need to either willing resign or be forced to do so,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA commented upon hearing today’s postponement decision.

The United States Supreme Court has uphold the BSA right, as a private organization, to choose who will be leaders and members.  Homosexual activists have been hell-bent on transforming the Scouts into an organization that would be unrecognizable by the average American.  They have now zeroed in on corporations who have fallen into the trap of adding “sexual orientation” to their corporate policies.  The Human Rights Campaign, which touts itself as the largest homosexual lobby group in the nation, has created a Corporate Equality Index,  rating corporations as to how “gay-friendly” they are.  Using this index, homosexual groups have used bullying tactics to force corporations to remove sponsorship of the Scouts.

“Corporations and heads of corporations need to decide if it is more important to make less than five percent of the US population happy by bowing to the bullying of organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign or to listen to the voices of the majority of Americans.  What is happening to the Boy Scouts is a perfect example of how dangerous it is to add “sexual orientation” to policies and ordinances.  These corporations are being bullied because they added that terminology.  The Scouts need to act now to eject Turley and Stephenson and any others who will not adhere to the Scouts’ mission from their Executive Board.  Americans who understand the danger of a change in policy have spoken and it’s time for the Scouts to do some housecleaning,” Gramley concluded.

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