July 24, 2013


Montgomery County Register of Wills Issues Same-sex “Marriage” Licenses


This morning a little after 8:00 a.m. the Montgomery County Register of Wills, Bruce Hanes, issued a same-sex “marriage” license to a lesbian couple.  The normal three day waiting period was  waived and they were “married ” later in the morning.  A second lesbian couple has also obtained a marriage license.

Pennsylvania law has not changed.  It still says marriage shall only be between one man and one woman, but the Register of Wills, Bruce Hanes, is more than willing to snub his nose at the law the people of Montgomery County voted for him to uphold.

Yesterday, when the news was first announced that he was willing to issue these fraudulent marriage licenses, the AFA of PA contacted his office.   We specifically asked him if he would also issue a marriage license to first cousins who were in love — which, by the way, is also illegal in PA.  No response from Mr. Hanes’ office as of this writing.

Action Steps

There has also been no response from Governor Corbett’s office about this latest assault on natural marriage.  First no response when Attorney General Kathleen Kane refused to defend our Defense of Marriage Act and now no response on the Montgomery County situation.

Go to our ACTION CENTER and ask the Governor to  take the necessary steps to stop the lawlessness in Montgomery County.