April 17, 2018


Sex Ed Sit Out – to Send a Message to Schools


Did you know that the majority of schools in this nation teach comprehensive sex ed which includes pro-homosexual and gender bending lessons?  Conservatives fought against this for years, but the Obama administration gave hundreds of millions of dollars toward implementing comprehensive sex ed.

Additionally, this can be slipped in “under the radar screen” through required reading or books read to elementary school students.    The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest homosexual lobby group, and Planned Parenthood have been very busy creating lesson plans and entire curricula to push their agendas.   Following are a few examples:

LGBTQ Definitions for Children

Welcoming Schools

Lesson Plan for Welcoming Schools

Planned Parenthood’s Get Real 

Parents around this country, Canada and Australia are saying enough is enough and will be pulling their children from school on April 23rd.    In addition, parents will be holding protests in various locations demanding to know why their children are being taught pornographic material in the name of education.

Action Steps

  • Pull your kids out of school on April 23rd.  Here’s a letter that can be sent to your principal.
  • If you cannot attend an event,   you can sign the petition in support of the Sex Ed Sit Out.