July 20, 2022


47 GOP Join All Dems in Passing Misnamed Respect for Marriage Act


Currently federal law in the Defense of Marriage Act defines marriage as only between one man and one woman.  Thirty-one states have similar laws or have passed constitutional amendments stating the same.  The 2015 US Supreme Court Obergefell decision forced so-called same-sex marriage on all 50 states.  This is similar to the 1973 Roe v Wade case which forced abortion on all 50 states.  For almost 50 years, and 63 million dead babies later, the 1973 court opinion was in place.  In Justice Clarence Thomas’ separate opinion in the recent case that overturned Roe and Casey, he wrote, “In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.” 

The mention of Obergefell, of course, set the Left off and led to the introduction of the misnamed Respect for Marriage Act in both the US House and US Senate on Monday.  Passage of this bill would throw out the federal Defense of Marriage Act and all state laws/constitutional amendments.  Yet, another example of ignoring the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution and states’ rights! The vote in the House took place last night!   

The vote was 267 to 157 with 47 GOP Congressmen joining all the Democrats.  Three of those GOP were from Pennsylvania.  These are Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Dan Meuser (PA- 9) and Scott Perry (PA-10).

The bill (hopefully) faces an uncertain future in the US Senate.

Action Steps

Let these 3 Congressmen know what you think of their vote!

Brian Fitzpatrick – email  or call (215) 579-8102

Dan Meuser – email or call (610) 568-9959

Scott Perry – email or call 717-893-7868

If you are not a constituent, the system may be set up to prevent you from emailing the Congressmen, but you can still call their office!

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