February 28, 2023


Stop the World Health Organization’s Power Grab


The World Health Organization (WHO) did such a “fantastic job” handling the COVID crisis that they now want all its member nations to give it power to declare a pandemic and the ability to tell nation’s the steps needed to address the crisis. 

Recent WHO documents say, “climate change” is one of the biggest “drivers of pandemics” and, as such, nations must monitor and report to WHO all “relevant pandemic prevention and preparedness plans interventions that address the drivers of the emergence and re-emergence of disease at the human-animal-environment interface, including but not limited to climate change, land use change, wildlife trade, desertification and antimicrobial resistance.”

In essence, WHO wants global control of all lands.  You will need WHO’s approval to change how your own property is used!! There are 194 member states.

In 2020-21 the US invested approximately $700 million to the WHO.  In December 2021 the US government announced an additional $280 million contribution to WHO to be used towards ending the COVID-19 crisis.   For decades the US has been one of the top funders of the WHO.  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also among the top five contributors.  The COVID 19 crisis has opened the way for this WHO power grab and too many nations are going along!  The Biden Administration issued a statement concerning its commitment to “global health”. 

Action Steps In order to work around the constitutional requirement that all treaties must be approved by the US Senate, the WHO work in progress is being called an “accord” rather than a treaty.  However, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has introduced a bill called the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act”.      

Ask Senators Bob Casey, Jr. and John Fetterman to support this bill.  (We are being told that Senator Fetterman is monitoring what is going on in the US Senate from his hospital room.)

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