News From Around PA

1.) State Rep Daryl Metcalfe has announced he will not run for re-election

2.) State Senator Doug Mastriano has announced his candidacy for PA Governor.

3.) With bi-partisan support State Senator Jake Corman will once again be Senate Pro-Temp. The only audible ‘no’ during the voice vote was from Senator Doug Mastriano.

4.) 76ers host Pride Night.

5.) PA’s name change law as it relates to convicted felons has been declared unconstitutional. The law was challenged by three transgender felons.

News From National Scene

1.) Abortion killed more in 2021 than COVID.

2.) Over 100 Christian colleges and universities have had ties to Planned Parenthood in the past two years.

3.) Focus on the Family has told staff they must soon reveal their COVID shot status.

4.) Judge orders FDA to begin releasing 55,000 pages monthly in response to a Freedom of Information Act request re Pfizer data submitted that led to FDA approval of Pfizer COVID vaccine.

5.) US Senate passes resolution overturning President Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate.

6.) $1.5 million taxpayer dollars sent to El Salvador to help their police deal with challenges and stress created by COVID 19.

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