Author: admin

Action Alert – Parents Know Best News Conference and Rally

Due to recent court decisions, parental rights are under attack and steps need to be taken to protect them! Overreaching government agencies too often remove children from loving homes at the whim of a social worker. In many ways the system is corrupt and needs reform. Parental rights need to be declared fundamental rights! Plan to attend the News Conference and Rally on September 24th!

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Action Alert – Online Absentee Ballot Applications Now Available

Every election is important and Christians need to take seriously their civic duty to participate in the election process. If you are registered to vote, but are ill or out of your voting district due to work or vacation on election day, you can vote by absentee ballot. The state has made the process easier by allowing registered voters to apply for an absentee ballot online.

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Should the US Department of Education have the authority to change Title IX without congressional action?

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